Next week our students in grades 3-8 will work their way through the first of three testing sessions this school year. These tests are intended to help students and parents and teachers track academic progress and growth as compared to other students their age in the state of Nebraska. To that end, we pray that…

We want to thank all of our parents for taking time out of their busy schedules to set up a parent-teacher conference and to meet with us week to go over your child’s mid-quarter grades. This opportunity to track progress and to stay in touch and to continue working together is so important for each…

Between now and October 31 we will be studying the main articles of the Augsburg Confession – a document that was written and shared in 1530; a document that clearly confesses that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, as revealed in Scripture alone. You can join us every Sunday morning at 9:15…

We thank and praise our gracious God for enabling us to open our school year in our school building! We are thankful for all of our students and all of our teachers and all of our parents. We are thankful that the Lord has enabled us to complete 5 weeks of our school year with…

This weekend in-person Sunday School returns! Each Sunday morning at 9:15 the children can meet in the fellowship hall. There they will be divided into groups before heading to their respective classrooms. Social distancing will be practiced throughout the building and for the duration of the Sunday School hour. Materials and videos will be provided…

The Vine returns to Gethsemane this month! Each Wednesday morning children (ages 0-4) and their parents can meet for Bible Story, games, music, learning, and fun. The Vine meets from 9:00 to 10:30. Please enter through the church doors.

Gethsemane Lutheran School is fielding soccer teams for 1-2 girls, 1-2 boys, 3-4 co-ed, 5-6 co-ed, and 7-8 co-ed. Practices continue after school for each of our 5 teams. Players and coaches are excited for the season to get underway this fall!

Join us online Wednesday evenings this fall as we take a closer look not only at Peter – fishmerman turned apostle – but at our own lives of faith and at our own relationship with Jesus. This 30-minute Zoom Bible Study will have much to offer us in the way of encouragement and guidance, comfort…

In worship this weekend, on August 15-16, we hold our Opening Service for Gethsemane Lutheran School as we ask God to bless our students, our teachers, our families, and his Word that is read and taught every day in our school building. Our new 3rd & 4th Grade teacher will also be installed during worship….

Lord Jesus, your love for children is obvious. You welcomed them. You held them in your arms. You blessed them. As the school year begins across our nation and in our community, we pray that you would bless the education that these children receive – whether that is remotely at home or in person in…

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