Do you have a will? Is it time to review and update it? What about a living will and durable power of attorney for health care? These questions and so many more will be answered this Sunday morning, October 9, during a special Christian Wills and Estate Planning Seminar at 9:15am. We invite you to…

Have you already made all of the arrangements for your funeral? Probably not. But have you ever considered the many decisions that will need to be made? What are the associated costs of a traditional burial? What about cremation? How soon can you begin making these plans? Can you already start paying for them? More…

We want to thank everyone who came out on Sunday for the outdoor service and patriotic picnic. It was great to see so many there. We thank again all of our local police officers, firefighters, first responders, and military personnel for their continued service. Most of all, we thank Christ our King for his victory…

On Sunday, September 11, the Gethsemane church family will gather for worship outdoors at 10:30 to thank God for the freedom that we have in this country to worship him, to honor those who serve us – OPD, OFD, Military – and to praise the One who served us by giving his life as a…

September 11, 2001 is a day that changed our country – and our world – forever. Our country was attacked but those attacks also brought our country together. On Sunday, September 11, 2016, as we remember that fateful day and the innocent who died and the heroes who responded, we will gather for a special…

What do we Christians believe and teach as Confessional Lutherans here at Gethsemane? Great question! One we’d love to answer for you. Join us on Monday, August 29 at 7:00pm as we begin a brand new series that will walk through main teachings of the Bible and the Christian faith.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our opening chapel service at 8:15am on Thursday, August 18 as we ask God’s blessings on our new school year.

Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who are we? What is sin? What is heaven? How do I get there? Why Baptism? Why Communion? The value of prayer? Great questions! What does the Bible say? If you are at all curious or interested about what we believe and teach as confessional Lutherans here at Gethsemane,…

This weekend in worship, August 13 (5:30pm) and August 14 (8:00am and 10:30am), all are invited to join us for our school’s opening service as we ask God to bless our school year, our students, their families, and our teachers. The theme for worship will be “Give Me Something To Work With.”

Jesus forgives us! Jesus’ parable of the lost son is really about the forgiving love of the Father. God forgives us because of his Son, Jesus. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me.” – Psalm 23:4

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