All are encouraged to attend the special Ascension service that will be held off-site at the Sumtur Amphitheater at 9:30 am on Sunday, 5/13! It is always a good to remember that Jesus lives and rules eternally. Ascension also reminds us that Jesus has prepared a room for us in heaven.
Jesus wasn’t the first to ask it; he won’t be the last. “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” That is the question we’ll explore in further detail in our Bible Study this Wednesday evening, May 1, at 7:00pm. The answer to that question has eternal ramifications.
What emotions come to mind when you hear the word “father?” Why does God call himself our Father? Should that title strike terror in our hearts or bring great comfort?Just what does God do for us as our Father? We will answer each one of those questions – and so many more – in our…
During the season of Lent we gather for worship every Wednesday evening at 7:00. Take a break from the stress and business of the work week and find peace and comfort in Jesus, Our Great High Priest.

Special thanks to all who helped and supported Christian Education Sunday and the Pancake Feed held between services! A fun day and exciting to see so much support for Christian Education! To God be the glory!

God’s richest blessings to everyone in 2018!

On behalf of our entire staff at Gethsemane, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! We pray that all the special Advent and Christmas worship services brought you closer to your Lord and strengthened your faith in Him, Jesus! Share the good news……..Christ the Lord is born!

God certainly blessed our Children’s Christmas Service in many ways. The children did a wonderful job of sharing the Christmas Gospel in both Word and song!

Our mid-week Advent devotional Bible study will focus on Luke 1:26-38. Gabriel, talking to Mary, will tell us who is coming. All are welcome to join us for this unique service in a quiet setting in the middle of a busy week and season. We begin at 7:00pm.
Join us for worship this Advent Season every weekend and every Wednesday as familiar faces like Gabriel and Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary and Joseph and John the Baptist all tell us who’s coming as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior.