Gethsemane Lutheran Church and School is part of an association of Wisconsin Lutheran Synod congregations that own and operate an area high school, Nebraska Evangelical Lutheran High School (NELHS). NELHS is a school where the spiritual, educational and social needs of students are paramount. Throughout its history, NELHS has become well known for an excellent program of Christ-centered education, an outstanding academic program and a well-rounded, diverse extra-curricular program.
NELHS Mission Statement:
NELHS exists to assist parents and congregations by providing Christian training in the skills and values necessary for loyal service to Jesus Christ for time and eternity.

NELHS students come from families who want their children to be immersed in God’s Word every day (through chapels, religions classes, and Christian teachers, friends and coaches). The high school’s programs and climate encourage a lifestyle that gives glory to God in and out of the classroom. They are a school where students get to know Jesus better every day.
NELHS is located in the small town of Waco, Nebraska (about 90 miles west of Omaha). Approximately 80% of NELHS students live in dormitories on campus during the week. Many GLS alumni have attended or are currently attending NELHS.
NELHS was established in 1979. Throughout its history, NELHS has become known as a school where God’s Word surrounds the students, faculty, and staff. This, along with their location in the quiet, safe village of Waco creates an environment where it feels like a Christian family. This environment is one that enables the students to accomplish great things – both in the classroom and outside of the classroom.
In the classroom, NELHS continues to produce students who score exceptionally well on college readiness tests and are taught from a Christ-centered perspective. Outside of the classroom, virtually every student has the opportunity and takes the opportunity to get involved in sports, music, drama, and clubs. These activities are also led by coaches and advisors who teach the students that everything they do needs to glorify God.
In summary, NELHS is a school that preaches the Word of God first and foremost. They are a school led by a group of dedicated, qualified, and talented faculty and staff who love Jesus and love kids. They are a school that gives students the personal attention they need so that they can develop spiritually, emotionally, academically, and physically.
If you would like more information about our Nebraska Evangelical Lutheran High School (NELHS), please visit their website: