Our Mission Statement:
“Proclaiming the Never-Changing Gospel to and Ever-Changing World”
The goals and objectives of our Mission Statement:
- Proclaiming the gospel to the unchurched of our community.
- Proclaiming the gospel to build our members up in saving faith and sanctified Christian living.
- Proclaiming the gospel to lay a solid foundation for growth in Christian knowledge in our children.

Christian Church
We are a Christian church; we are a Christ-centered church. We preach that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who became a human being through the virgin birth so that he could take our place under God’s law and so that he could suffer and die for the sins of the whole world. The empty cross proclaims Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil. His resurrection and his empty tomb seal this victory for all believers.

Word of God
We are a Bible based church. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, with no errors or contradictions. We take special care not to add to it, subtract from it, or change the meaning of it. The Word of God is the only source and authority for Christian doctrine. Through God’s Word, the Holy Spirit works faith in the believer’s heart. Faith is a gift from God!

Order of Service
We are also a liturgical church. The liturgy or “order of service” assures us that each time we gather for worship, we follow an order of service that has been tested over the centuries. This order of service includes confession & absolution (the proclamation of forgiveness), appointed Scripture lessons appropriate for the season of the church year, the sermon, prayers, hymns, and psalms. While the order of service may vary each week and while the type of music used to proclaim the Gospel message may vary, the basic outline of the historic, Christian liturgy is followed.

The Means of Grace
As a Christian congregation we are a body of believers that strives to bring the Good News (The Gospel) of Jesus Christ to all people. We confess, hold to, and defend the central teaching of the Gospel — that we are saved by grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone, and not by our own good works. The Means of Grace through which the Holy Spirit works to create and strengthen faith are the Gospel in Word and Sacrament.