The fall musical was succesfuly delivered by the upper graders on 11/9 and 11/10. Special thanks to all the people behind the scenes helping out! We applaud the kids, especially those in lead roles, as well. Hope to see everyone back for more musical fun in the spring!
The Children’s Choir raised their voices in song during the Area Reformation Service on 10/29. Thank you to all the children and parents for the extra effort and time involved. To God be all glory and praise!
The upper graders will present their fall musical again this year on Thursday evening, 11/9 and Friday evening, 11/10. Mark your calendars!
Enjoyed seeing all the kids again for VBS! Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation!
Special thanks to Mrs. Brauer and all the kids putting in practice time to enhance our worship services throughout the school year! We look forward to hearing you again this fall!
Our youth tone chimes group is led by Mrs. Brauer, who also serves as a substitute teacher at our school. Through tone chimes, youth are given the opportunity to learn how to read music and share their God-given talents in church or at special events.
It is always great to hear children raise their voices in song during special events or worship services at church. In 2016, Miss Hunt directed the kids from our school during a special service held off-site in Bennington.
Junior Choir is also offered as an extra-curricular activity that youth from Gethsemane can participate in. In Junior Choir, youth learn how to read music and sing in rhythm with other musical instruments. Our Junior Choir director is Mrs. Leslie Brauer.